Now waiting for the night train to leave Kiev and bring Peter and me back to Warsaw. I’m overwhelmed by impressions, thoughts and meetings with inspiring people. Tired – but happy and thoughtful. I have learned a lot in Kiev – about how the government and the people are two different things in Ukraine, about the revolution at Maidan back in 2014 and how it has changed Ukraine, about how powerful a youth generation can be if it decides to and about how Kiev is a place where you will have very few hours of sleep because there is simply too much to experience and too many people to meet. Before I will go to sleep in our little cabine I will write down all the memories, impressions and quotes that is now rumbling in my head. The coming week will be all about editing, so be ready for stories from Poland and Ukraine. // Elena.
Night train – Kiev>Warsaw – Ukraine
redaktoer / 10. December 2018 / Ukraine / Antal kommentarer: 0
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